
Sport is a routine, sport is a state of mind, sport is a way of life. That's why we want to create bridges between sport and fashion, sport and beauty, sport and design... Our weighted bracelets, for example, are designed as real little "sports jewels", to match your sports outfits, as well as your city outfits. They are offered, like our resistance bands, in pretty pouches inspired by the world of cosmetics, so that you can also store your beauty products there. Maison Athlē was designed for all women: occasional, regular and passionate sportswomen, taking care of themselves and convinced of the merits of a holistic approach to well-being. Our mission: to give you the extra boost before each of your sessions by offering real benefits of movement. Maison athlē is therefore aesthetic and functional sports accessories, which we want to show, share and vary!


My name is Julie and I have been passionate about sports since I was little. I have been running for 20 years and have been doing a lot of strength training and Pilates for about ten years.

After a rather atypical professional career, and not finding feminine and beautiful sports accessories during the first lockdown... I decided to create them!

My mission? To make you love sport through colorful, fresh and motivating accessories.

Welcome to my world!